Permanent Exhibitions

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The first exhibition hall


The first exhibition hall named "MAGICAL OPTICS" covers an area of 660 square meters and the main color of the environment is cyan , meaning the marvelous light is wonderful and fresh. The exhibition hall mainly displays various kinds of wonderful optical phenomena and it analyzes the basic knowledge of optics. The hall not only can stimulate the audience's interest to know more about the optics, but also can lead the audiences into a world with marvelous light.
1. 自然的光影
The light of nature
Looking up at the dome theater, audiences can see a variety of wonderful natural optical phenomena like rainbow, aurora and mirage. The splendid and dazzling science short film makes audiences feel being personally on the scene and exclaim over the magic of nature as well as the bright and colorful light of nature.
2. 立体世界
The 3D world
With the light interwoven with each other, the projection display of the three-dimensional images such as holographic three-dimensional photos, suspension image and raster 3D painting make the audience experience a fantastic 3D world.
3. 看不到的世界
The invisible world
As the observation ability of human beings is limit, the exhibition made up of  360-degree small theaters and different in height visual balls show that the optical instrument can expand the visual range of human beings and it can explore a wonderful world which is invisible for naked eyes.
4. 眼睛的奥秘
The mystery of eyes
A bright eye is like the window of a soul for human. The eye is an important source of feeling the world with the ability to perceive the strength of light, to distinguish colors, and to enjoy the world that full of light. The exhibit shows the basic principles of the human eye’s ability to feel the light.
5. 会发光的气体
Glowing gas
The wonders of light are everywhere. The exhibition shows the phenomenon of why different gases will show different colors under certain conditions. The application of color neon lights are based on the principle of this principle. 


  Scanning into the first exhibition hall