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The fourth exhibition hall


The fourth exhibition hall named “EXPLORATIONS INTO OPTIC” covers an area of 567 square meters and its main color of the environment is purple, symbolizing the pathway of the optical development is tough and long and also meaning the optical theories constant development in disputes. The exhibition put the optical experiments with high levels of theories first and reveal the theoretical knowledge behind the optics on the basis of experimental phenomenon.
1. 不寻常的世界
Magic world
Why black flowers are rare? Why the sea water is blue? What the world is like in the eyes of a colorblind man? We can find interesting answers by the exhibition about this strange world. 
2. 量子光学大讲堂
The quantum optics classroom
The cartoon animation gives an explanation about the quantum optics and reveals the nature of photon so that the visitors can know more about the interactive effect between light and matter and the properties of light such as the wave-particle duality.

3. 透镜与光线
Lens and rays of light
Concave lens, convex lens, concave mirrors, convex mirror are four common optical elements in geometrical optics. With four lens fixed orderly on two displacement platforms,  the visitors can feel directly the propagation of light and the rules of imaging through the combination of different lens. 

4. 牛顿环
Newton's rings
The experiment shows the phenomenon of Newton’s rings and explains its principles. The Newton’s rings can be used to check surface quality of the optical element and measure lens surface radius of curvature and liquid refractive index.

Scanning into the fourth exhibition hall